Pelargonium oreophilum

P. oreophilum is a succulent pelargonium with think stems, it has large pink flowers and darker pink markings on both upper and lower petals, The leaves are oval in outline and feathery in appearance.

The name oreophilum originates from Greek meaning “loving mountain” because it grows in mountainous areas of the South Western Cape province.

p. oreophilum

Pelargonium crithmifolium

Pelargonium crithmifolium is growing well, it is a branching succulent pelargonium with thick fleshy stems green/yellow in colour and pinnately divided leaves into to small leaflets which have a ginger and nutmeg fragrance when crushed and white flowers. This plant was given the name Crithmifolium because the leaves look similar to the rock samphire crithmum maritimum an edible plant that grows in the wild on cliffs in coastal areas with fleshly aromatic leaves that is used in salads or pickled in vinegar.
P. crithmifolium is native to a large area from South western Namibia and the Western Cape Province.