Pelargonium asperum

The young plant of Pelargonium asperum  (wild form) is growing well, it is an upright shrub that attracts butterflies and bees with strongly scented leaves and pink flowers.

There is also a hybrid form P. asperum X which is a cross between P. radens & P. capitatum which is used for essential oil.

Pelargonium ionidiflorum

Pelargonium ionidiflorum also known as the violet flower pelargonium is growing well.

It is a low growing shrub let with bright green aromatic leaves which have a celery like scent and the elegant flowers are pale pink to a darker shade of violet.

This plant is native to the Eastern Cape where it grows in rocky areas or among other plants with rain all year round, hot summers and fairly cold winters.

The name iondiflorum  refers to the violet colour of the flowers and the hybrid pelargoniums Deerwood lavender lass and Deerwood lavender lad are derived from this plant.


Pelargonium greytonense

Pelargonium greytonense is now flowering well with its attractive pale pink petals which forms flower clusters on short flowering stalks containing up to nine flowers. The small aromatic leaves are mid-darkish green and resembles an open palm in shape.

This plant is a slightly woody shrub that can grow to about 100 cm- 40 inches in height which is native to a small area of the South Western Cape usually on hillsides or narrow gorges with coastal summer rainfall, winter rainfall and some areas of frost.

The name “greytonense” refers to the name of the village where it was first discovered.

Pelargonium tomentosum- mint scented

Pelargonium tomentosum is now flowering for the first time, it is a lovely plant with velvety heart shaped leaves which are peppermint scented and are covered with soft glandular hairs that can be used in cooking to line the base of a chocolate cake tin & also for essential oil.

The flowers are small with white petals and purple markings, it is native to mountainous habitats in moist areas close to streams & forests in the South Western Cape which has year round rainfall and light frost.

tomentosum 2pelargonium tomentosum 3pelargonium tomentosum