Ant lion

Pelargonium viscossisimum at the moment has an Ant lion resting on its leaf stalks, it is a relative of the lacewing and is nocturnal which eats ants and other insects.

A new seedling of aridum started to come up about a week or two ago, it is a small tufted plant with finely divided leaves and creamy white or yellow flowers. Native to arid areas of the Succulent Karoo

Also the young plant of P. tongaense is also growing well, and when mature has red flowers that attracts butterflies.

New book

“ Scented leaf pelargoniums- A gardeners guide to the scented leaf pelargonium species” is now available as a kindle book on Amazon via this link

If you prefer a printed book, I am now working on it and it should be available on Amazon soon,

also the growing guide from this book should be available later today