Nature ways to improve the immune system

At this difficult time all our lives will be affected by the covid-19, so it is important to support one another.

We hope all are well and keeping safe as much as possible.

Here are a few natural ways to improve your immune system

Adding fresh thyme and rosemary to your food if possible (or dried from a supermarket ) with half a clove of garlic chopped into small pieces and added to food while cooking such as chicken, eggs omelette, fish ,soya mince or other meat and vegetables etc.



Olive oil uncooked (preferably virgin olive oil) added to food after cooking can also help.

Rosemary is great for strengthening the immune system and also for respiratory problems such as sinus infections and the common cold & flu.

You can add a sprig or  a half chopped into small pieces or dried with garlic while cooking, it can also be added to soup and tea.

It is also a disinfectant, anti inflammatory, anti oxidant with vitamins c and A, copper, zinc, phosphorus, iron and also improves digestion.

thyme cutout copy

Thyme also helps improve the immune system, the lymphatic system and against respiratory infections. It is full of iron, calcium, vitamins A, B6, C, E, K and magnesium. Thyme also has antiseptic, anti inflammatory, anti spasmodic, anti fungal and antibacterial properties and improves memory, depression and sleep. A few  sprigs pushing the leaves off downwards or dried.


Garlic has antibiotic properties and can help against infection and cardiovascular disorders also reducing the risk of chest problems, digestive and fungal infection.

Half a clove of garlic cut into small pieces and added to food while cooking.

Please note that too much garlic can irritate the stomach.


Lemon may also help the immune system as it is full if vitamin c as well as iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and is also good for the  heart and digestion. Add Hot water to a cup or mug with a squeeze of half a lemon and honey.


Hope this helps

Pelargonium pattern designs

Fabric, wallpaper and home decor of various pelargonium species are now available at with free shipping worldwide until the 6th March at

pattern 1for website Pelargonium capitatum rose scented leaf –

pattern 2 for webpage Pelargonium greytonense-

pattern 3 for website Pelargonium denticulatum balsam scented

pattern 5 for website Pelargonium odoratissium apple scented-